There is Decimal Time but metric time is actually a thing; but it's essentially just counting seconds and adding milli, deci, kilo- etc to the front to mean 0.001, 10, 1000 seconds, etc. It's most widely used in computing; on unix systems time is given as the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. That lead to the Y2038 problem where Time would stop and start over in 2038 because the 32-bit unsigned integer would roll back over to 0, kind of like the Mayan Calendar in 2012 (which was never *actually* 'the end of the world' to the mayans, but 'time to carve a new calendar!'). Fortunately we use a 64-bit integer, which put off solving the problem until later...MUCH later:
"At 15:30:08 UTC on Sunday, 4 December 292277026596, 64-bit versions of the Unix time stamp cease to work, as it will overflow the largest value that can be held in a signed 64-bit number. This is nearly 22 times the estimated current age of the universe, which is 1.37×1010 years (13.7 billion)."
Now THAT'S how you kick the can down the road...