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Conversation Between kbalch and kzmaher

3 Visitor Messages

  1. You're very welcome! Glad to hear that the shirt made it to you OK. We're looking forward to seeing the photos.

  2. Thank you very much for your shirt.
    How it looks on me, you will see in the next tools.
  3. Mr. kbalch
    Thank you for your response.
    I plan to tables completed within 3 months.
    You can reach you personally and take the table.
    This table will surrender the person who needs it.
    You can enable the transport of persons in Slovenia.
    Ask the airline agencies should help.
    Ask the travel agency if you could help.
    It all depends on you.
    ** I would like for a black T-shirt,
    I'm a big 180 cm,
    My weight is 80 kg

    Zvonko Keršič
    Savinjska cesta 5
    1420 Trbovlje

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3