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Conversation Between diacsn and Timberfil

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, thank you again! At first i was intimidated with the hydraulics too. That seems to be the case with all new things we dont fully understand. But i would encourage you in trying it on your own. Its great if you have no Idea what you are doing (at least not understand all the bits and pieces) but in the end it works...maybe just take a valve and and hydraulic cylinder, hook it up to your tractors system and see it working...maybe that take away your "fear" a little. But if you are not cofortable about it, of course its okay to get help! Thats just not how i roll...more of that try and error guy
  2. Hi thanks for the reply and no problem for the delay. I have been doing a lot of research on tractor hydraulics since i first wrote to you, and figured the best thing will be to seek professional advice so i dont end up screwing anything!! Kinda depend on that little tractor!! But thanks a lot for the information and nice manure scraper by the way!
  3. Hi an Thanks!
    I didnt see your Message, so im replying so late...
    I dont know your Tractors specs, but basically, if you make your hydraulic cylinders thicker, your Loader can Lift more, but it takes more Time to raise and lower the Arm...
    I used the internal System. First i thought it wouldnt be strong enough and bought an external Pump and an extra Tank. But it turned out, the internal System is plenty strong. It has 130bar at 12 liters/min i think. Which is roughly 1.9k psi at 2.6 gallons/min if this makes more sense to you...
  4. Hi diacsn, i watched the video you posted, its an awesome build!! I am currently trying to figure out a way of adding implements to my garden tractor ( bolens ht 20) such as a front end loader, 3 point hitch etc. I was wondering if you had to hook up an additional pump for powering your loader or did you enlarge the existing system? Many thanks in advance
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