Marble perpetual motion machine.
Kinetic sand art table - GIF
Mechanical heart kinetic sculpture - GIF
Kinetic wind sculpture - GIF
Gravity Well kinetic sculpture - GIF
Water droplet kinetic sculpture - GIF
Marble perpetual motion machine.
Kinetic sand art table - GIF
Mechanical heart kinetic sculpture - GIF
Kinetic wind sculpture - GIF
Gravity Well kinetic sculpture - GIF
Water droplet kinetic sculpture - GIF
New plans added on 01/08/2025: Click here for 2,690 plans for homemade tools.
baja (May 31, 2022), durrelltn (Jun 1, 2022), EnginePaul (Jun 2, 2022), jackhoying (May 30, 2022), rlm98253 (May 30, 2022)
No, not a loop.
Watch the ball just as it enters the hole each time.
There must be something adding energy because the return jump is higher than the drop height.
And the energy of the ball as it rebounds off of the backside of the 'cup' is rather high.
Nicely done illusion.
Any thoughts on how it's done?
apparently there is a battery hiding in there, but I don't know how they work unless there is a magnetic ring giving the bearing a "shove" down the chute to overcome friction effects. Copies of this appear online in the chinese websites (Aliexpress) for around $15 - those listings mention the batteries, but nothing about how they work.
thadrodgers (May 31, 2022)
baja (May 31, 2022), desbromilow (May 30, 2022), durrelltn (Jun 1, 2022), EnginePaul (Jun 2, 2022), Fluffle-Valve (May 31, 2022), Frank S (May 30, 2022), Jon (Jun 1, 2022), Moby Duck (Jun 4, 2022), rgsparber (May 30, 2022), thadrodgers (May 31, 2022), thehomeengineer (Aug 25, 2022), Tonyg (Jun 3, 2022), Toolmaker51 (May 31, 2022), WorkerB (May 31, 2022)
No over unity is still safe for now, but I'm still waiting for people to finally figure out that all this hype about being able to fully charge an EV battery in minutes instead of hours is mostly hype, and is going to eventually cause brownouts in the already over taxed grid.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
Moby Duck (Jun 4, 2022)
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