This is a manometer I built some time ago,for syncing the carbs on my 74 TX650. You can use just a long length of looped plastic tube, however, having a larger volume of fluid and Including jets in the lines helps slow down the action and keep it more stable.
For this build I used two equal lengths of 35mm clear acrylic tubing., some allthread, plywood, plastic tubing, neoprene sheet and Delrin for the jets..
After cutting the acrylic tube to length, I cut and shaped four platforms, two for the top and two for the bottom. Two platforms had 35mm holes cut in them in which to locate the acrylic tubes top and bottom. A plain platform was placed over them with a neoprene gasket between.
Three lengths of all thread clamp the platforms over the acrylic tubes so they are sealed off top and bottom. A 6mm hole was drilled. In the bottom of each tube and a short length of plastic tubing forced into each hole, connecting the the two acrylic tubes. Another 6mm hole is drilled at the top of each tube and a long length of plastic tube forced into each hole, these are for connecting to the manifolds.
Delrin was turned down to fit inside the vacuum tubes and a .8mm hole drilled through the middle to act as a jet. Each acrylic tube has water added so it tops off about a third of the way up each tube. This prevents water from entering the engine if the vacuum is such that all water is forced in the one tube.
You can add colouring to the water, but I haven't found it necessary.