electrocution or even just being shocked effects people differently some have a higher tolerance to being shocked but once your muscles contract into a death grip from being shocked there is very little if anything you can do to physically will them to release if the current path is from your feet to one of your hands you can't even will your other arm to knock your hand free. I know from my own experience all I could do was concentrate on trying not to loose my grip with my left hand I couldn't even sense what my other hand was doing. fortunately my muscles in my other arm were causing it to flail around or something until the contact was momentarily broken allowing me to drop the stinger.
An electrician friend of mine got knocked into the main buss of a 480v panel by a gust of wind. he only received an instantaneous shock that knocked him away from the buss. He said for several minutes later the only thing he could do was try and force himself to breathe because breathing was no longer autonomous for him and every fiber of his body hurt for a long while.
being shocked like I was makes me doubly aware of the possibility of it happening again even though I will still climb a metal ladder and weld with an AC machine I make sure there is no possibility of bare skin coming in contact with any metal surfaces especially when changing rods if my hands and gloves might be sweaty and all of my stingers have good insulation and no bare metal to them.