I generally try not to be overly rude when encountering other shoppers in a grocery market. But there was one time in the produce section woman was pawing over every piece of fruit and vegetable in the section. Quite a few other patrons were somewhat impatiently waiting for her to move on so they could get what ever item they were wanting. I found myself waiting for her to complete her critical examination of some red and yellow bell peppers when finally I figured that she may spend half a day looking through every bell pepper on display.
Excuse me ma-am but I doubt very seriously if you are going to find anything resembling the paintings of Professor Dennis Wojtkiewicz in this section would it be too rude of me to ask if I could make my selection while you are doing your almost forensic examination of those reds?
She turned to wards me and right away I could tell that she would drown if caught out in a rain storm without some one holding an umbrella over her. Staring down the tip of her nose she harrumphed and asked who is Professor Dennis Wojtkiewicz?
A professor at Bowling Green University who taught the art of painting the perfect fruit of vegetable, I figured you must have been one of his students the way you have been pawing every last item in the produce isle, are you planning on eating one of those bell peppers or are you going to paint a picture of it?
with her nostrils flaring and even higher up in the air if that were possible she said, Well I Never!
No I don't suppose you have