Magnetic crawler hull pressure washer.
Underwater pressure washing - GIF
DIY pressure washer - GIF
Submarine recycling facility - photo
Robotic ship pressure washer - GIF
Surface pressure washer - GIF
Magnetic crawler hull pressure washer.
Underwater pressure washing - GIF
DIY pressure washer - GIF
Submarine recycling facility - photo
Robotic ship pressure washer - GIF
Surface pressure washer - GIF
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albertq (Apr 10, 2024), baja (Nov 25, 2022), durrelltn (Nov 27, 2022), mwmkravchenko (Nov 22, 2022), nova_robotics (Nov 21, 2022), odd one (Nov 21, 2022), Toolmaker51 (Nov 20, 2022), tuchie (Aug 5, 2023)
I don't know what is on that hull, not convinced they're barnacles. But it's a terrific idea, maybe a regular cleaning makes them easier to blast off.
There will be some benefit, deep draft vessels (when loaded) incur drag far more than normal hulls, which adds operating expense. Shipping has as much brokering of loads as trucking does, deadheading doesn't make money.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
I used to work at a freshwater inland marina. Oh how I hated to see fall come around, having to clean all that yuck off the boats. The old 1960's vintage pressure washer was ok removing algaem but not strong enough to remove lime scale. I am sure that old one we used would not remove barnacles.
But on that ship, those very well could be barnacles. I had to look for more information on that machine. I am thinking that thing with 2500BAR 35,000 PSI would have no trouble removing them!!
Altair (Nov 22, 2022), durrelltn (Nov 27, 2022), Toolmaker51 (Nov 22, 2022)
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