A friend dropped off his 1985 Mack Superliner for me to tighten up the throttle linkage.
there was about 2 inches of total accumulated. slack from wear in the linkage none of the parts are available to buy new
After removing all of the worn parts I then welded up the ends of the rods and built up the cross shaft where it had worn then turned it back down to fit the self aligning bronze bearings and made a new linkage arm with a means of adjusting it something not done by the factory.
the end of the link rod that attaches to the pump and the cross link shaft
after building up and grinding round
one end of the cross-link shaft as worn
after build up
repaired rod and old link arm
new and old linkage arms
Note original arm with hole for cotter pin to secure to the shaft
and the new adjustable mounting style
the fit between control rod and new linkage arm
linkage arm installed
cross shaft with inboard bearing
Another view of linkage this one the rod from the pedal to the cross shaft
In some ways better than it was when it left the factory since now the linkage is not dependent one the shear strength of a 1/8-inch cotter pin plus the pedal height can be adjusted