Lighting a sparkler stuck into a citrus fruit.
Lemon labeling machine - GIF
Citrus face mask - photo
Citrus trimming machine - GIF
Fireworks sparkler shield - photo
Manhole explosion from sparklers - GIF
Lighting a sparkler stuck into a citrus fruit.
Lemon labeling machine - GIF
Citrus face mask - photo
Citrus trimming machine - GIF
Fireworks sparkler shield - photo
Manhole explosion from sparklers - GIF
New plans added on 01/06/2025: Click here for 2,686 plans for homemade tools.
mwmkravchenko (Apr 15, 2023), nova_robotics (Apr 15, 2023), Ralphxyz (Apr 15, 2023), rlm98253 (Apr 15, 2023), tuchie (Apr 15, 2023)
Altair (Apr 17, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Apr 15, 2023)
If video orange ignited, and not Mr. odd one, is likely due to freshness, and thickness of the rind. The combustion is in the rind, not inside.
Thin skinned citrus has very little citric oil.
Orange (and lemon) oil, that held in the rind, is very, very flammable. Obviously the quantity collected from a single fruit is small. Thicker skinned fruit is harvested not only for the sections inside or to be juiced, the oil is squeezed to produce the additive for every citrus based cleaner imaginable. Factories doing that have the best fire suppression systems available, tool cribs full of AMPCO beryllium tools (equivalent to a refinery) or NO insurance.
All that investment comes at a cost. IIRC, a plastic bottled quart was $1000.00 quite some time back.
Citrus oil is probably holds title as most potentially hazardous natural product, outside radioactive or carcinogenic elements, and now maybe dairy farms. . .
Last edited by Toolmaker51; Apr 16, 2023 at 08:55 PM.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
Good plan, hold off on Thermite; at many dozen arm lengths.
Squeezing fresh thick outside of rind near a flame, will produce plenty of arcs, mini flame-throwers. They extinguish quickly, with sufficient room to fall, not on a combustible surface. Not especially dangerous at that volume, other than a possible "should have. . ."
While not petroleum, obviously is 'vegetable'-based.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
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