In trying to level out my shop floor I decided to make a leveling drag grader
Using 2 I beams welded together by means of a couple of frames
I've seed a lot of these used on field roads and driveways and even made one for a guy a long time ago Generally they work pretty well
One problem was I made it too long to be easily maneuverable Another was trying to turn it inside of the shop so to accomplish this I raised it with the backhoe bucket. Another problem was the fill I used in my shop floor in some places has packed to be as hard as rock while other places has fresh fill that was hardly packed at all Lastly the size of my backhoe is like having a Great Dane in the front seat of a VW Beetle
So I decided to even out the score a little by disking up the floor
At least I will be able to disk the entire floor with the tandem disk chained to the bucket I will be able to turn it side ways and swing the boom from side to side as well as the floor starts to be broken up better Right now I a powering down on the disk just to make it penetrate the rock hard fill