On a serious note, this is a perfect example of why so many of the items we purchase from some other countries vary so much in quality from item to item. For example our recent discussion of the varying quality of holes in trailer hitch ball mounts.
So many of the products are made in shops similar to that. They have purchased old worn out equipment, hire cheap labor to run it, turn out low quality parts and sell them cheap enough to run quality companies out of business. These foreign companies do not have to cover costs medical insurance, sick days, vacation time, environmental issues, employee retirement plans, etc.
I am not blameless, I purchase those items also as they fit my needs. Often there is no alternative. However given the current world situation, it is very troubling, on more levels than just the danger of getting a shirt ripped off.
Ending on a bit of humor, they are required to wear "break-away" type safety shirts in that factory. See how well that works.