I added a way to keep a light tension on the lathe motor belt when driving the geared-head lathe spindle. The Lathe Belt Tension Adjustment Nut keeps the lathe motor mount from riding upwards during heavy cuts when the lathe motor is driving the spindle. The 12” swing geared-head lathe manufacturer built one side of the lathe motor mount with a hinge to allow for removing driving belt and lets the weight of the motor keep the belt under tension. Adding a ½-13 threaded rod, washer and adjustment nut allows the belt tension to be hand-tightened and also easy removal when needed. The adjustment nut and washer are made from 1.243” dia. 12L14 steel (diameter to fit the knurling) and 0.188” O-1 drill rod. The knurling is a 21 pitch cross-cut diagonal pattern.