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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts


    I was passed a link to your forum through a friend from a knife sharpening forum referring specifically to belt sanders.
    There is so often a need for home made tools I have had a life tied to boats and many of the old tools for rigging are either not made or are in very limited sources and I have had to try & make a tools from scratch or adapt something else.
    So far I have only skimmed through the belt sanders but what an inspirational site one that I am certain to be visiting frequently for ideas or reference .
    I have only recently realised the power of forums and just how much knowledge can be exchanged or enriched by their use.

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  2. #2
    kbalch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Clermont, FL
    Thanked 531 Times in 383 Posts
    Hi LeoBarr,


    Glad to hear that you've discovered the utility of online interest forums. There's nothing quite like tapping into the knowledge, experience, and fellowship of a like-minded group. The power of the modern internet puts global resources at everyone's hands. The answer (any answer) is out there; it's just a matter of finding the right place to look.

    When you're ready to share some of your own homemade tools (those rigging-related tools sound fascinating!), we'd love to see them. Please post them directly in the Homemade Tools subforum. We'll add each one to the database, as well as to your builder page on the site.

    Non-tool items are also of interest and should be shared in the Not a Tool, but Homemade subforum.


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