Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell y'all all about it...
...One day.... when your older....
For now, a little about myself and whatever else just to see if I can work this mess.
When it comes to tools, harbor freehate is my go too spot. If it's a power tool or has moving parts in it im taking it apart usually before turning it off. Looking for the weak points, touching up where the left off, and if I can't make it not catch fire I at least like to be ready. Gotta know what to expect. Another advantage to looking at the insides is i know how it started if it does come apart when in action.
I like fixing stuff or at least making something silly out of it or salvaging spare parts. I like taking something that is totally broke and even better if it has had a attempt to be repaired by others and comes in a box of parts. Blender that is broke might turn into a sanding disk that spins so fast on low speed that cheap sand paper doublesided taped to the disk will start ripping its self apart and has no safe usage. Angle grinder that was $9, has caught on fire when using a 8" poslishing foam pad to polish my computer is still good, just gotta take it apart pull some of the windings back where it was shorting then put some fingernail polish on it to insoloate and its all good. Not a day goes by where I dont look in a dumpster... Get stuff out and fix it, or sell it, keep it, give it away, etc. Not great at fixing anything but I work on TV's, Cars, Electronics, tools, home improvement stuff, creative stuff, just whatever,.