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Thread: Intro- Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell someone

  1. #1
    All2skitzd's Avatar
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    Talking Intro- Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell someone

    Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell y'all all about it...
    ...One day.... when your older....
    For now, a little about myself and whatever else just to see if I can work this mess.

    When it comes to tools, harbor freehate is my go too spot. If it's a power tool or has moving parts in it im taking it apart usually before turning it off. Looking for the weak points, touching up where the left off, and if I can't make it not catch fire I at least like to be ready. Gotta know what to expect. Another advantage to looking at the insides is i know how it started if it does come apart when in action.

    I like fixing stuff or at least making something silly out of it or salvaging spare parts. I like taking something that is totally broke and even better if it has had a attempt to be repaired by others and comes in a box of parts. Blender that is broke might turn into a sanding disk that spins so fast on low speed that cheap sand paper doublesided taped to the disk will start ripping its self apart and has no safe usage. Angle grinder that was $9, has caught on fire when using a 8" poslishing foam pad to polish my computer is still good, just gotta take it apart pull some of the windings back where it was shorting then put some fingernail polish on it to insoloate and its all good. Not a day goes by where I dont look in a dumpster... Get stuff out and fix it, or sell it, keep it, give it away, etc. Not great at fixing anything but I work on TV's, Cars, Electronics, tools, home improvement stuff, creative stuff, just whatever,.

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    Last edited by All2skitzd; May 15, 2017 at 03:12 AM. Reason: seeing if youtube videos will post as videos

  2. #2
    All2skitzd's Avatar
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    Okay... little bit more about me... in picture form... no nudes so dont ask

    Drilled a hole in my flashlight and now have a charging port that was already there, just needed the hole drilled. It uses the 5V plug like the old Nokia Phones and I got a couple USB to that style plug, one from a laptop cooler, another from bluetooth speaker i got out of trash...
    Intro- Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell someone-img_20160930_110955.jpg

    Rep where im from...
    Intro- Done did some stuff and some things and im gonna tell someone-earthcan2.jpg

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  3. #3
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Hi All2skitz2 - welcome to

    A little more practice on that cookie tin, and you'll be the next YouTube star!

    Sounds like you'll fit in well here

    What's next up on your projects list? If that list ever gets short, here are some good ideas:

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  4. #4
    All2skitzd's Avatar
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    Yeah the cookie tin project started off by someone asking how to use a PIEZO speaker as a mic for acoustic instruments and i just happen to have a dollar store window alarm i got from the trash took apart so i made a video showing how it worked with it hooked to the 0-scope and then i got those cookies shortly after used a yard stake and wood support off a IKEA bed to make neck, the strings are made from the wire that goes on those anti theft security alarms things that retail stores put around items and are suppose to take off when you buy them, i used tacks out of dollar store, used a 3.5mm jack from a broke $10 dash cam, stained it with stain from the trash, used copper wire for the neck things where you push to make it sound different, the mic didnt pic up audio good one the phone i was using but i got it sounding like a electric guitar by the time i got bored with it

    Completed projects that i need to share to the one handed emry cloth and spray can shaker which ive made but i dont have anymore so i might just share them in idea form until i make new ones. I might also put something together that shows a couple different ways to pull vacuum/vacuum bleeding that would include the basics and some more whackey ideas that have been tested to work

    Also I wanna put together a HF/Irwin vise repair and upgrade post and a how to run 240V welder at home guide that covers drier plug usage and making a cord that allows it to plug to 120V outlets and show how to test them to get the 240 for two plugs

    project list...
    -brake drum resurfacer. Im torn between trying to do something where it used the cars power or its own. My idea was to have angle grinder fix surface warp, then change the angle grinder disk with a sanding disk to smooth out

    stud welder, i first tried this project using alternators but now im leaning towards transformers. Ultamatly id like to get that project rolling the start working towards tig welder setup. Right now I am collecting transformers

    -vacum canister- one of my friends is a big weed smoker and i want to make some of that stuff they call shatter. First ruff build did not work out, I thought the canister I was using could handle more then it did and they lid imploded on it (was loud)

    I have two r-22 containers, one is going to be for a sandblaster setup that uses harbor freight cheap sand blast gun, the other is going to be for a parts shaker or tumbler or i may scrap the tumber idea and make it a steam cleaner.

  5. #5
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Very nice, you sound busy!

    You'll like this build for brake drum resurfacer ideas: Grinding machine for drum brakes.

    And we have some stud welder builds listed: Homemade Tools Search: stud welder -

    Careful with that vacuum canister build. The general view in Colorado is that the weed is less dangerous than alcohol, but you'll occasionally see a story in the news of a home chemist whose extraction project went boom.

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