Hi All
I have completed all the machining. Therefore, this is the first photo of the prototype tool.
I did take the design one-step further; its design now allows the tool to retract on either internal or external screw cutting operations.
I have used a few commercial made items; bolts, dowels, Knob handle, grub screws, oil cups and square head tool post bolts and tee handle to suit (still waiting delivery) . Some of these items I could have made but the time to machine and material costs, it is not worth considering.
The next task is to test the Retracting Tool Holder on both internal and external threads and if all goes well I hope to put a pack together for other builders to make.
Photos of the build have been taken and hope to collate this into a pack with the drawings. In addition, a few of the drawings need amending over the next week to ensure everything is correct.
I will contact Jon to arrange to sell the drawings/pack on HMT. (not sure of the price yet).
Testing will take place this week and if all goes well I should have the pack ready in a couple more weeks’ time.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
The Home Engineer