Induction hardening cleaver edge.
Induction pipe end forming - GIF
Induction bender for large pipe - GIF
Mini induction smelter - GIF
Induction pipe end sealing - GIF
Induction heating pipe fittings - GIF
Induction forge - GIF
Induction hardening cleaver edge.
Induction pipe end forming - GIF
Induction bender for large pipe - GIF
Mini induction smelter - GIF
Induction pipe end sealing - GIF
Induction heating pipe fittings - GIF
Induction forge - GIF
New plans added on 11/04: Click here for 2,561 plans for homemade tools.
carloski (Oct 18, 2021), hemmjo (Oct 19, 2021), HobieDave (Oct 19, 2021), johncg (Oct 24, 2021), Moby Duck (Oct 19, 2021), mwmkravchenko (Oct 18, 2021), nova_robotics (Oct 18, 2021), rlm98253 (Oct 18, 2021), that_other_guy (Oct 18, 2021)
Every time I see an induction heating process on here, it really makes me want one.
There are lots of videos about making them. Some simple, some complex.
Simple with a simple explanation of how they work. ""
A bit more technical explanation (over my head) ""
This guy is crazy. His antics are dangerous. But the heater he assembled is intense. ""
(I put the links in " " so they would not take up so much screen space. I am not sure how to put a link here without the actual video showing in this space)
Altair (Oct 19, 2021), thevillageinn (Oct 21, 2021)
She would have to know about it to regret it. Though even if she does, the necessities of daily life may seem, and even be, more important. If you don't have enough to eat, and clean water to drink, and a place to sleep, those problems may seem much more important.
The discussion is too complex to complete here, but we (myself included) often forget all of the implications of the things we do and purchase and how they affect someone on the other side of the Earth. A very brief beginning follows.
It is fascinating and troubling when you really think about the long and complex cause and effect chain that exists in the global economy. We are ALL are part of the chain that puts her, millions like her, in fact the whole rest of the worlds population in peril.
As difficult as it might be to comprehend, there are lots of places in the world where there is no way most of the population would ever have access to the resources to determine this cause and effect.
Even in the most technologically advanced countries, there is no REAL disclosure of the complex cause and effect relationships between human suffering and the industrial processes and products we all use. When there is disclosure, many choose to ignore the warnings.
For example, here is a partial list of products I will venture to say that no one reading this, myself included, can honestly say they do not use any of these: Non-Stick Cookware, Flea and Tick Products, Mothballs, Air Fresheners, Oven Cleaner, Furniture Polish and Stain, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Gas Space Heaters, Cleaning Solutions, Antibacterial Soaps, Flame Retardants, herbicides and pesticides, lawn care products, FDA APPROVED MEDICATIONS (Oxycodone and Fentanyl and MANY others) the list goes on and on and on.
We want cheap products, and easy ways to do things, we fail to consider there are very high hidden costs to those cheap products. Like the Fram oil filter guys used to say, "You can pay me now, or pay me later"
What makes you think she will have access to a doctor that would be able to make the connection between her deteriorating sight and her work & work environment? I've got cataracts developing, and my wife, who stayed home to take care of our kids and is a decade younger than I am has already had cataract surgery. Which seems to have failed, or gotten complicated. That is in addition to multiple immune-system disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders, and multiple major surgeries.
I entered the work force full-time at age 18, in 1973. My wife had a short work career in secretarial fields, and then became a domestic engineer. She has been classed as "totally & permanently disabled since 2005. No one has been able to figure out what has caused her multiple physical disabilities. She started working in the mid-80's,also at age 18, switched to that domestic engineering job in the early 90's. I have managed to keep her covered by what is supposedly "good" health insurance since we married. Lots of doctors, lots of testing, and to this day the doctors don't seem to agree about what her problems are, not to mention what caused them.
I (and we) have lived and worked in other countries, in both the 1st and 3rd world. There is a reason they still call it "the practice of medicine."
See also what Hemmjo wrote.
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