It thinks it is a pipe wrench, to me they have always been called Stillsons.
Maybe you misunderstood my original post. I have no problem with the main piston seal nor creep. Certainly not since I honed the cylinder. There was a leak from the ram wiper O-ring seal which made a mess because the jack is mounted upside down and so the whole of the reservoir oil and the header tank was acting on it. It couldn't have happened with a right way up jack.
Anyway I have now removed the outer cover and I feed and drain directly into a low mounted reservoir, so if anything leaks the maximum quantity is only the tiny amount in the O-ring groove above the O-ring, only a couple of ml at most. I'll make a separate post describing the current configuration.
Many thanks for your willingness to help.
BTW where do you live in NH? I lived there for 3 years, 2008-2010. I lived in New Boston and worked in Bedford.