In my thread describing my hole-center-spacing gage...
I mentioned that I had built an improved version that addressed some of the design limitations discussed in that thread.
I managed to finally find it (I no longer use it so it was well hidden) and here it is...
The square aluminum carriers can be locked in place on the rectangular aluminum backbone of the device. Each carrier can take a 3/8" rod that is free to slide up/down but can be locked in place with the knurled finger screw. Each end of the reversible rod has different size points to accommodate different size holes. Sliding the rods allows compensation for tilting due to different size holes. The sliding aluminum cylinders on the rod can be slid down onto the workpiece to ensure that the rods are indeed vertical. The points thread onto the rods so other sizes are easily made and mounted.
Both of these tools were made early in my career and are offered here only to help stimulate folks' imaginations. If you really want to accurately measure hole separations, use one of the two methods I described in the other thread.