other photos
Always impressed by the variety, which I'm guessing hangs on motor you find; single or double end. Most (all?) are footed, so making one left handed like this considers rotation. The double ended with extended shafts, still favorite, being so well balanced to run vibration free. That's serious craftsmanship.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
Thank you.
I don’t always have electric motors with shafts on two sides. As a rule, if there is no way to extend the shaft, then I add it. We weld it with electrodes of brand 13-55 LB52U
Then on a lathe I make it to the size I need. Soon there will be a machine for a diamond cup.
When I do it, I'll post a photo of it here on the forum.
That 13-55 LB52U prompted me to go look. It's in the carbonaceous low alloy range, sounds ideal for motor shafting. also found a 24 page PDF on unfamiliar rod designations at https://www.kobelco.co.jp/english/we...nd_edition.pdf
Cup wheels are my most frequent consumables, grinding wise. That will be interesting. I'm set up to re-sharp ends and flutes of straight, tapered & ball end cutters, having one dedicated to a single operation would be advantageous.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
old_toolmaker (Sep 1, 2022)
old_toolmaker (Sep 1, 2022)
What do you mean when you say such a wheel will stand on its side? No offense intended, but a little confused by that statement.
Links to some of my plans:
https://www.homemadetools.net/forum/...965#post105972 OFF-SET TAILSTOCK CENTER PLANS
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/s...995#post112113 SMALL TURRET TOOL POST PLANS
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/l...994#post112111 LARGE TURRET TOOL POST PLANS
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/m...383#post110340 MINI-LATHE CARRIAGE LOCK PLANS
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/s...191#post106483 SMALL QC TOOL POST PLANS
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/q...849#post119345 QUICK CHANGE LATHE TURRET
http://www.homemadetools.net/forum/m...949#post119893 MINI LATHE COMPOUND PIVOT MODIFICATION
black joke19 (Sep 3, 2022)
1. I just found this thread. This is a wonderful example of how good the world could be if just us regular people could get together and cut out all of the politicians!!!!!
1. Я просто знайшов цю нитку. Це чудовий приклад того, наскільки хорошим міг би бути світ, якби тільки ми, звичайні люди, могли зібратися разом і вирізати всіх політиків!!!!!
1. yo prosto znaishov tsiu nitku. tse chudovy priklad togo, naskilki khoroshim mig bee booty sveat, yakbi tilky mee, zvicajni ludi, mogley zibratissa razom i virisati vsikh politikiv!!!!!
2. I have been wanting a grinder with a cupped wheel for a long time. My reading has made me wonder if CBN wheel would be better for my needs than diamond.
2. Я давно хочу болгарку з чашоподібним колесом. Моє читання змусило мене задуматися, чи буде колесо CBN кращим для моїх потреб, ніж алмаз.
2. yo davno khochu bulgarku z chashopodibnim colesom. moye chitannya zmusilo mene zadumatis, chee bouday colleso CBN krashchim dlia moich potreb, nizh almaz.
3. It took me some time to look through all 19 pages of this thread. One thing that caught my eye was gluing a regular grinding wheel to a disk so you can grind on the flat side of the wheel. Did this work well? I would worry about doing that, but I like that idea.
3. Мені знадобився деякий час, щоб переглянути всі 19 сторінок цієї теми. Одна річ, яка потрапила мені на очі, - це приклеювання звичайного шліфувального круга до диска, щоб ви могли шліфувати на плоскій стороні колеса. Чи добре це спрацювало? Я б турбувався про це, але мені подобається ця ідея.
3. meni znadobivsja deyakiy chas, schob pereglanuti vsi 19 storinok tsiei theme. odna rich, yaka potrapila meni nah oci, - tse prikleyuvannya zvichaynogo shlifuvalnogo kruga do disc, schob vi mogley slifuvati nah plosky storoni coles. chee dobre tse spratsuvalo? yo b turbuvavsa pro tse, ale meni podobayetsya tse idea.
4. It is good to see you are able to continue with your work during these difficult times. God be with you!!
4. Мені приємно бачити, що ви можете продовжувати свою роботу в ці важкі часи. Боже, з тобою!!
4. meni priyemno bachiti, shcho vi mozheteh prodovzhuvati svoyu robotu vie this vazhki chasi. boze, z toboy!!
5. Glory to Ukraine!
5. Слава Україні!
5. slava ukrainian!
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