There was some but it was widely separated small dots and to me didn't affect the integrity enough to be concerned about.
I first intended to use Light Salt to degas the AL but several videos I've watched since have convinced me that it doesn't work so I just poured the metal trying to keep impurities to a minimum. Apparently you need a costly bubbler rig to achieve significant degassing. I did use a smallish tapered sprue along with the Campbell pouring basin design which eliminates gulps of air while filling and there weren't any voids that I saw during machining. The foam outgassing as it vaporized left a terrible surface though.
That just reminded me that I forgot to take a picture of and mention that I made a fixture to turn wooden tapered sprue forms on my table saw.
Another metal casting tip that I forgot to mention: Plan all your moves in advance so that you can setup for the pour and make it with no improvising or adapting during.