I had a discarded bearing, about 2” across. I made a single cut in it with an angle grinder. It went in the gas forge when I was doing other bits. The radius is unaltered and I think the bevel is too thick. I used two pairs of grips to straighten out half the radius,then forged a tang. I quenched it, just at a low red heat, by putting it bevel down in a shallow pan of water about 3/16” deep, and left it, just mildly agitating the water as it hissed. This, I think, will be sufficient heat treatment.
I have made a lot of double length handles, both for others and for my self, because I prefer longer ones for files. With the scorps I’ve made I use both hands to carve, dragging the chips towards me.
I’m not worried if it doesn’t cut too well, if necessary I will use a small stone to hollow grind it. I don’t think it will break, since I put it in the vice to knock the handle down the tang, but the rivet, a copper nail, should hold it against the pull.
I expect others have done this on HMT, it’s not an original idea by any means. I have seen somewhere a nice little wooden box to protect the blade. But mine is kept in a spectacles pouch.