bigtrev8xl (Mar 14, 2020), Downeast Thunder (Mar 15, 2016), Jon (Mar 13, 2016), kbalch (Mar 13, 2016), Marine2171 (Mar 15, 2016), mr mikey (Mar 18, 2024), PJs (Mar 19, 2016), rlm98253 (Jan 30, 2018), Scotsman Hosie (Mar 15, 2020), Scotty12 (Mar 13, 2020), Toolmaker51 (Mar 18, 2024)
I hesitated whether to create a thread, but then read that there is a category of "Farm and Garden" Homemade Farm and Garden Tools. Therefore, I decided to share with you their work. I think that my information will be useful. Later, I take off the video as a walk-behind tractor works in a garden plot.
Downeast Thunder (Mar 15, 2016), lest21 (Mar 18, 2024), Marine2171 (Mar 15, 2016), philipUsesWood&Brass (May 31, 2018), rgsparber (Jan 30, 2018), Scotsman Hosie (Mar 15, 2020), toma (Jan 31, 2018), Tooler2 (Mar 18, 2024)
Thanks Vyacheslav.Nevolya! We've added your Walk Behind Tractor to our Farm and Garden category, as well as to your builder page: Vyacheslav.Nevolya's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:
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