Thank You, MeJasonT.
Immediate family...Father, Lieutenant USAAC/USAF WWII. Pilot trainer, in Waco TX, and Santa Ana, CA. He says "more hours in tailspins than many pilots have straight & level". Enlisted at outset of WWII, as a photographer. His abilities were recognized and urged to apply for commission.
Mother Staff Sergeant , USWMC. Photographer/ and Darkroom OIC, Cherry Point NC. She didn't recall how many shots taken; but lots of portraits, historical and classified documentation. Joked about toting 4x5 Speed Graphic around, [almost bigger than her], carried gear like lens boards in her jeep.
Myself, Quartermaster 1C. Likely first Airedale [aviation oriented designations], probably only one carrying helmsman card for any aircraft carrier. Did a little machining when they started recording our civilian employment; and priority work occurred with shipyard labor unavailable. Had all sort of ancillary tasks, enjoyed instructing most. Navigation, seamanship, small arms, and indoctrination of new petty officers.