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Thread: Hello, I need advice

  1. #1
    PIO is offline

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    Hello, I need advice

    My name is Pio Sanoguet, I have a Hydroponic project and I live in the tropics, one problem that I encountered is the temperature of the nutrient solution, recently I was reading in the internet about the Ventury effect and I came across the vortex device made with pvc , I saw the video of making the vortex device with PVC and I wondered if I can use that tool to cool down my nutrient solution and how without spending a lot of money.
    Besides I saw few videos of how to make a venturi device but I don't know how to install a aquarium check valve to prevent the water to get inside the air pump, instead of letting the air get inside the pipe due to differences in pressure I want to attach a aquarium pump to inject air with the objective of cooling the nutrient solution.Please advice


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  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forums, Pio! Let's see what the mavens here have to say about your query.

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  3. #3
    kbalch's Avatar
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    Hi Pio,


    I'm sure that someone with relevant experience will be along shortly to point you in the right direction.

    Sounds like an interesting project - do you have any photos to share?


  4. #4
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    I have quite a bit of experience with hydroponics, but not with the heat issues you have.

    You mention the venturi effect for cooling the nutrient solution, but I'm not sure if that is what it does. A venturi will draw air into the solution, which will aerate it and increase the dissolved oxygen level, which should help improve the root health and overall plant health.

    There are a lot of variables that you haven't described about your setup. You really need to go to a hydroponic forum and study more there. Do searches that are specific to the type of system you are using, the crops you are growing, and the issues you are dealing with before you start asking a lot of questions. Many of your questions will be answered already and you will get the answers that are specific to your situation quicker, because you will be better informed about the basics and will be able to ask more specific questions.

    Although I don't know your specifics, I'd think the best way to combat heat would be to use NFT (nutrient film technique) or aeroponics (root misting), actually I'd do "low tech aeroponics" which is a low pressure spray that's simpler & less expensive.

    These designs have a lot of air & water mixing which cools the water, by evaporation and also increases the dissolved oxygen level. So, your root will be cooler and oxygenated.

    Anything you can do to cool your nutrient solution will help. There are other ways to cool your nutrients that might work better, depending on your situation. You'll have to consider things like the type of crop, the scale of your setup, etc. to decide what will be the most feasible solution.

  5. #5
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    Interesting, GlennR. Not into hydroponics myself, and all I tend to are a few basil and rosemary plants to spice up the recipes my wife and I try.

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