Well I found this site online and thought that I would join up, looks like a really nice site to collaborate on different machining tooling and techniques. I have been a Mechanical Designer for the last 20+ years and just started my own Design Firm which has allowed me to follow some of my other passions in life, machining and building is one of them.
I am a little embarrassed to admit this but we all have to start off somewhere right? Well right now I have a Smithy Mill/Lathe setup. I know it is the Harbor Freight equivalent of a multi-function machine but it works. I have gone through it and made things as tight as I can and I have been able to hold +/- .001" on it so it does work alright.
I do own my own seat of SolidWorks and would be more than happy to lend my expertiese to anyone that might need it. Like I mentioned I have been using SolidWorks since version '98 and know the program inside and out. I also know a variety of programming languages. One of the first projects that I am going to undertake is making atleast a feedback setup for my Smithy to display absolute coordinates and possibly hook up some Stepper Motors. I don't know if I want to go all the way to a full CNC but having the ability to manually enter feeds and coordinates would be very helpful as the Smithy doesn't have a feed when in Mill mode.
Anyways that is my introduction, look forward to chatting with y'all....
Andy Braham