I had a situation where I needed to put some nuts on some screws but I couldn't hold onto the nut in the small space. I tried a few times, but each time I failed...
So, I looked in the scrap metal barrel and found a thin wall conduit (probably from an old and really cheap canopy for camping). I then flattened the end a bit so the open end of a geared wrench would fit in. I wanted a geared wrench so that I could hold the nut, but also, they tend to be 0 degrees offset to the handle. Then I wrapped the end with electrical tape to hold it in place like so:
Then I figured out which side was ON. I put a piece of painters tape on the non-ON side to hold onto the nut. Then I could reach into the small space, bump the end of the wrench into the screw that was waiting for the nut, shift the wrench just a little to get the nut over the screw and then tighten the screw.
Of course I had one cross thread (tried to go too fast) and now it was useful to be able to flip the wrench over to the OFF side and get the nut off. Then new painters tape and a new nut and going just a little slower, on it went...