I needed a few small hammers for my shop. My store bought ball peen hammer was
a bit too heavy for light work as was the set of hammers I made a while back.
I was targeting 8 oz for the heaviest and ended up with 6.5 ounce for the brass head.
The handle is shorter than my earlier hammers but still has considerable weight.
Handle was turned from 3/4 brass and the heads are all turned down to 7/8".
The heads are 2.250" long. They feel pretty good and I think they will work out fine.
One brass, one aluminum, and one steel. Only one handle was made which saves some
space in my tool box. The thread is 3/8-16 so that handles and heads may be exchanged
between most of my shop made hammers.
I think I have hammers covered!
Cheers, JR