Apologize that my first post isn't of one of my projects. I am a home shop machinist, my equipment consists of a 16" LeBlond lathe and a Gorton O-16 mill, along with the usual belt sanders, grinders and welders.
Though presented as a gun control bill, poorly thought out and written, it has the potential to negatively impact our hobby. They mention 3D printers and bench top CNC mills in the proposal.
Even if you're not into guns, but have any of the machinery listed, this, if passed, could put you into a very difficult situation. Heaven forbid you are into making model cannons, black powder rifles or actual gunsmithing.
The bill, entered as H.R. 7468 and referred to the Democrat-controlled House Committee on the Judiciary, also has the fast support of Giffords.
“We must stop the proliferation of these easy to make, untraceable guns that can be obtained with no background check, “Adzi Vokhina, Giffords Federal Affairs Director, contends. “Clamping down on the milling machines that make it virtually effortless to create an arsenal of untraceable weapons from a basement or garage is a good place to start.”
A few month's back, Sacramento county in California was cracking down on home mechanics. It was mainly aimed at people working on cars for payment, but several of those caught up in it were hobbyists. The ordinance included a statement that tools not normally found in a home garage were prohibited. Several people were turned in by neighbors that were upset with them working on their cars. It went so far as to say you couldn't do it even in a closed garage. Lots of people were fined, had to get rid of projects, had to spend money and time to defend themselves.
This one is a Federal bill and will affect all states.
Think we need to keep an eye on this one.
Les T.