I really appreciate all the creativity and practicality demonstrated on this site. I've gotten many good ideas and solved several problems with the posts others have made. UNFORTUNATELY, I've been so busy benefiting from others that I have neglected to contribute for the common good. I hope to rectify this soon now that some of my projects have finally been completed.
My background includes a variety of industries including electrical power, medical imaging (ultrasound/nuclear/digital), industrial process control, robotics, radio communications. I am now an "as often as possible" welding and woodworking hobbyist.
Although I greatly admire the talents and accomplishments of craftsmen and perfectionists, I am neither.
I'm more of an "overbuilder/gitterdone-ist".
Most recent projects have been a welding table (14 months in the planning, scrounging, execution), assorted accessories for my garden tractor and truck, and now that it's greening up in Tennessee...much needed repairs to my 16 year old zero-turn mower.