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Thread: Getting an angle on angles

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    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Getting an angle on angles

    The ancient Babylonians counted using a base sixty system. Unfortunately,
    this system has survived to today in the numerics we use to count time and
    angle. We write time as h:m:s where sixty seconds (s) = one minute (m) and
    sixty minutes = one hour (h). Similarly, angles are written as d:m:s with the
    same relationships (60 arcseconds = 1 arcminute, 60 arcminutes = 1 degree).
    Mathematicians normally add the prefix 'arc' to distinguish the fact that
    they're talking about angle and not time. (There really ought to be a special
    circle in hell for anyone who uses the same term for two completely disparate
    units or, like the American gallon, redefines an existing unit.)

    For most practical applications it's much more convenient to express angles as
    decimal numbers. This raises the problem of converting between the two

    Going from d:m:s to decimal notation is straightforward. Consider converting
    12:34:56 (12 degrees, 34 arcmin, 56 arcsec) to decimal degrees. We know that
    34 arcmin is 34/60 of a degree. We also know that there are 60*60 = 3600
    arcsec in a degree. So the 56 arcsec is 56/3600 degrees. Adding them, we

    12 deg + 34/60 deg + 56/3600 deg = 12.582221... degrees

    or, in general form:

    d:m:s = d + m/60 + s/3600 decimal degrees

    If your print calls out 12:34:56 d:m:s and you need the tangent of that angle
    you'll need to perform the above calculation to get the decimal degrees
    to feed to the tangent function. (Better scientific calculators have this
    conversion built-in but the less expensive ones often lack it.)

    Converting from decimal to d:m:s isn't very difficult. Using 12.582221
    decimal degrees as an example:

    Extract the integer degrees:

    12.582221 = 12 + 0.58222112 degrees

    Multiply the remainder by 60 (arcmin/deg):

    60 * 0.582221 = 34.93326

    Extract the integer arcmins:

    34.93326 = 34 + 0.9332634 arcminutes

    Multiply the remainder by 60 (arcsec/arcmin):

    60 * 0.93326 = 55.9956~56 arcseconds

    Again, better scientific calculators have a single key to do this conversion.
    However, if yours lacks it, no worry. You won't be doing it frequently and
    the procedure above is straightforward.

    Most scientific calculators can deal with angles in decimal degree notation,
    radian notation and grad notation. So, the question arises:

    What the hell are radians and why do we need them? Isn't d:m:s notation
    confusing enough? Now you're telling me that we need two more ways of
    expressing angles?

    When doing mathematics, it's much more useful to express angles in a
    notation such that the angle so expressed, when multiplied by the radius of a
    circle, yields the length of the arc on the circle subtended by that angle.

    Consider a 90 deg angle. It subtends one-quarter of the circumference of a
    circle or an arc length of 2*pi*r/4 (2*pi*r = the circumference of a circle
    whose radius is 'r'). We want this angle (we'll call it 'A') expressed in
    radians to satisfy:

    A (rad) * r = 2 * pi * r / 4

    That is, the angle in this radian notation, multiplied by the radius of the
    circle, equals the length of the arc on said circle subtended by this angle.

    Cancelling the 'r's, we have:

    A (rad) = pi/2 radians

    Since we assumed that A=90 deg, we now have a relationship between degrees and

    90 deg = pi/2 radians
    1 deg = pi/180 radians =~ 0.017453 rad
    1 radian = 180/pi degrees =~ 57.295831 deg

    Which makes things pretty simple. If we have degrees and want radians,
    multiply degrees by 180/pi. If we have radians and want degrees, multiply
    radians by pi/180. Rather than trying to memorize that, simply remember that
    a full rotation, 360 deg, equals 2*pi radians.

    For completeness, a brief note about grads.

    The French seem never happy with any measurement system they didn't personally
    invent. They thought that 90 degrees was an awkward number for a right angle
    so they 'metricized' it to be 100 grads. I don't remember the details but
    their argument for this aberration revolved around the fact that slopes
    expressed in percent (as we express the slope of hills in road-building) would
    then convert directly to grads without the need to do any calculation.

    Don't worry about grads. In 30+ years of doing mathematics for a living,
    I *never* had to convert any angles to grads. Should you ever need to do so,
    the relationships are:

    100 grads = 90 degrees = pi/2 radians

    Back to radians and the mathematicians. If you ask a mathematician to
    calculate the sine of an angle, he'll write down something like this:

    sin (x) = x - x^3 / 6 + x^5 / 120 - ...

    This is the 'series expansion' for the sine of x and it's only a valid
    equation if x is expressed in *radians*. By using enough terms in this series,
    you can calculate the sine to whatever precision you desire. In fact, early
    calculators used a series similar to this to calculate trig functions.
    (Today, with cheaper memory, they use a table lookup scheme.)

    Now, if we look at this equation, we can see that, if x is a small number
    (i.e., a lot less than one), x^3/6 is a lot less than x and x^5/120 is a lot
    less still. In other words:

    sin (x) ~= x for x << 1

    A numerical example will verify this. Using my calculator:

    sin (5 deg) = 0.087155742

    5 deg * (pi/180) rad/deg = 0.087266462

    In other words, 5 deg expressed in radians is pretty close to the sine of 5
    deg. Some other examples:

    angle = 1 deg: sine = 0.017452, radians = 0.017453, error = 0.005077 %
    angle = 2 deg: sine = 0.034899, radians = 0.034907, error = 0.020311 %
    angle = 3 deg: sine = 0.052336, radians = 0.052360, error = 0.045707 %
    angle = 4 deg: sine = 0.069756, radians = 0.069813, error = 0.081278 %
    angle = 5 deg: sine = 0.087156, radians = 0.087266, error = 0.127037 %
    angle = 6 deg: sine = 0.104528, radians = 0.104720, error = 0.183005 %
    angle = 7 deg: sine = 0.121869, radians = 0.122173, error = 0.249205 %
    angle = 8 deg: sine = 0.139173, radians = 0.139626, error = 0.325666 %
    angle = 9 deg: sine = 0.156434, radians = 0.157080, error = 0.412420 %
    angle = 10 deg: sine = 0.173648, radians = 0.174533, error = 0.509506 %

    Another aside. When physicists write the differential equation for a swinging
    pendulum, they assume small angular motions of the pendulum and use this
    sin(x) ~= x approximation. This allows them to obtain a simple equation for
    the period of the pendulum. The terms of the series they throw away account
    for an error that clock builders call the 'circular error' which will cause
    timekeeping errors if the pendulum is allowed to swing through too wide an
    arc. Ask yourself: Have you ever seen a pendulum clock where the pendulum
    swings through a wide arc?

    The series expansion for the cosine looks like

    cos(x) = 1 - x^2 / 2 + x^4 / 24 - ...

    Using the same argument we used for the sine, we see that, if x<<1,

    cos (x) ~= 1 for x << 1

    Now, given that

    tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)

    we see that, for x<<1, we can use the following approximations...

    sin (x) = x
    cos (x) = 1
    tan (x) = sin (x) = x

    where the value of 'x' is expressed in radians.

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    Regards, Marv

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member Toolmaker51's Avatar
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    That the French are never happy is accepted.
    That they gave us the first, lasting, and practical vernier is reasonable justification. Along with L. Moinet's chronograph and John Harrison's mechanical adaptation for interpreting longitude...
    That the rest of the free world accepts it, is theirs.
    That the machinists, mechanics, and engineers make them work together is a marvel, and ours to select.

    While the Babylonians instigated a 60 unit base isn't all bad. Ask a navigator.
    The 360 degree circle, a sixty-sixty-sixty hour-minute-second of time, the infinitely calculable arc, and 6000 foot nautical mile work pretty damn well together. Often there isn't time for precision underway. The accurate part was utilized in voyage planning (strategic). Avoidance of hazards leaves marginal time for reactive (tactical) measures to be consumed by accuracy. Strategy and tactics as terminology aren't restricted to combat situations.

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