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Thread: Forklift flat boom

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Frank S's Tools

    Forklift flat boom

    My forklift flat boom was made many years ago from scrap just laying around it has served us well but I always knew there would come a day when the beam on it would fail due to the lack of bracing and it being undersized. A while back I picked up something that was really too heavy for it and I noticed it flexing. I should have done some beefing to it then but I had finished the job then forgot about it.
    Today Karma bit me LOL. I picked up a Miller Big 40 welding machine with it Not half as heavy as what I had used it for a few months ago but today I managed to get it in a sideways bind and it cratered fortunately nothing else was damaged
    Time to beef it up with a much stronger beam
    the old beam was W8x10 with a section modulus of only 7.81 with a 30.8 moment of inertia
    the new beam is w8x24 section modulus 24.3 moment of inertia 98.0
    making the new beam ( also from my scrap pile) more than 3 times as strong as the old one
    Forklift flat boom-dscf6416c.jpg Forklift flat boom-dscf7251c.jpg Forklift flat boom-dscf7254c.jpg Forklift flat boom-dscf7255c.jpg Forklift flat boom-dscf7257c.jpg

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  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Frank S For This Useful Post:

    Jon (Jun 13, 2016), scoopydo (Jun 8, 2016)

  3. #2
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    Thanks Frank S! We've added your Forklift Boom to our Jacks and Lifts category,
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