Metal spinning header end cap - GIF
Copper forming - GIF
Andyt (Jul 10, 2019), baja (Jul 12, 2019), Lee Bell (Jul 9, 2019), mwmkravchenko (Jul 13, 2019), Scotsman Hosie (Jul 13, 2019), Seedtick (Jul 9, 2019), Syko Triker (Jul 10, 2019), that_other_guy (Jul 9, 2019)
baja (Jul 12, 2019)
I had to do some experimenting after Jon posted those previous videos of the copper forming. This is just 3/4" copper tube down to about 1/2"
I just ground a piece of HS Steel cutting tool to a rounded profile. I was not able to polish the surface as much as necessary to get a really nice finish. You notice the surface is a bit rough, I feel like if I spent the time polishing the tool surface, the result would be much better.
Jon (Jul 14, 2019)
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