Had to buy a new coffee maker about a month ago, the old one was toast.
Anyway, my wife was putting the lid back on the pot (it snaps on with a couple of molded pins) when one of the pins broke off... Nice. I looked online for a replacement and they have them (only a couple of bucks) but why buy another one when a new one will do the same thing in a short time?
Took the lid out to the shop this morning and did some measuring and made a couple of sketches. I'll be replacing the plastic pins with a turned aluminum piece and a support sleeve inside the handle.
The support sleeve is made from a piece of 3/16 O.D. aluminum tubing cut to length.
Laying out the measurements before turning the new piece on the lathe. This is a piece of .125 diameter aluminum rod that slip fits inside the sleeve.
Drilling the handle for the new pins. I popped the other pin off with a razor knife and drilled the first holes with a 1/16th dia. drill. Using the old pin locations as guides I carefully drilled these first holes to ensure the new pins would be on center.
Continued in next post...