Fishmonger with live fish.
Fish sorting line - GIF
Squeeze-gutting fish technique - GIF
Fish gutting and filleting machine - GIF
Cleaning fish with pressure washer - video
Robotic fish - photo
Fishmonger with live fish.
Fish sorting line - GIF
Squeeze-gutting fish technique - GIF
Fish gutting and filleting machine - GIF
Cleaning fish with pressure washer - video
Robotic fish - photo
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Well, the 'customers' aren't lining up either; in fact seem a bit disgusted. Anywhere else, animals are less desirable when stressed. Every time I hear about culture, civilization and longevity being superior...
Revisited, noticed drum major and batonette not so lively in her little parade.
Last edited by Toolmaker51; Jan 28, 2022 at 11:08 AM. Reason: you know why.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
bigtrev8xl (Jan 28, 2022), milla (Jan 28, 2022), Toolmaker51 (Jan 28, 2022)
Inhumane? They claim ne' plus ultra of civilization; "we go back 1000's of years". Great.
Way cheaper than evolving. One place real lucky yours truly isn't running the show. Oddly enough, fully kissed-up by the mess of bozos installed by landslide, without a horde of visible bumper stickers, yard signs, or painted barn sides......
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
Scotty1 (Jan 31, 2022)
Inhumane? They claim ne' plus ultra of civilization; "we go back 1000's of years". Great.
Way cheaper than evolving. One place real lucky yours truly isn't running the show. Oddly enough, fully kissed-up by the (our) mess of bozos installed by landslide, without a horde of visible bumper stickers, yard signs, or painted barn sides......
When a party promotes itself, they may use unsubstantial measures to 'prove' they are what they say they are. Does anything in that vid look sophisticated, or developed? Compare those conditions with anyplace in Switzerland, Singapore, large parts of Hong Kong. Would anything in that be decent travel poster material?
If I were running the show, the CCC would be out of business so fast, their heads would spin. No trade, no aid, no students, no tech, no investments, etc. Seizures, and forfeiture wall to wall. The citizens would revolt or wind up tribal like 1000 years ago.
Our own government is complicit via allowing trade, lack of controls and exchange of information to finance their aggressive unchecked growth. When things grow to fast what happens? Started when Nixon went to China; despite advice of industry experts, drowned out buy lobbyists. and here we are.
Far as 'signs' being indicators, that seems perfectly clear; not knowing locations where so many of the forum live, difficult to illustrate. But no one wins an election without tangible material evidence that indicates overwhelming support. When Ronald Reagan won [happily] by landslide; actions went into play so to not allow happening again............ A distinction exists between 'silent majority' and manufactured results, notice who doesn't want further investigation.
Last edited by Toolmaker51; Feb 1, 2022 at 01:39 PM.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
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