Much of my property had the timber harvested 18 years ago. I am saving the remaining mature timber for when I hopefully build a band sawmill. So most of my firewood is relatively small this results in a lot of work to cut to wood stove length. 5 years ago I built a cutting frame that more than cuts my time in half. I have seen discount importers selling frames in the last few years, the problem with these is they are all metal and contact with the saw is hard on the saw and unsafe for the operator. The frame I came up with is made from 2 sawhorses firmly joined together with 1"X 4"s and lots of screws. The uprights are 2"X 4"s, spaced to suit the size of your saw so the stack can be cut in one pass. Larger logs will stay in place by there own weight, for smaller stuff stay below the top of the uprights so the wood doesn't get pulled out of the frame.
Here it is all loaded up.
Almost done.
All done.
And this is what you get after loading the frame 4 times. Ready to stack in the wood shed.
I am working on a woodworking and patternmaking workbench at present, will upload when done.