Filling a concrete mixer from a distance.
Concrete scoop - GIF
Mixing concrete using a rototiller - GIF
Concrete sprayer - GIF
Throwing concrete up onto a wall - GIF
Extra long wet concrete slide - GIF
Filling a concrete mixer from a distance.
Concrete scoop - GIF
Mixing concrete using a rototiller - GIF
Concrete sprayer - GIF
Throwing concrete up onto a wall - GIF
Extra long wet concrete slide - GIF
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mwmkravchenko (Feb 11, 2024), nova_robotics (Feb 8, 2024)
Karl_H (Feb 8, 2024)
I mixed concrete for a hockey arena in this size mixer. If this is concrete that is some weal concrete. No aggregate. You needa dah stones!
When it came time for the floor, I was gone. Northern Manitoba. The piers were supposed to be 12 feet down due to frost going 8 feet in a cleared parking lot. But we hit hardpan. Basically you are chipping through it, but not with a backhoe. So the engineers solution 8 foot square 16 inches thick pads, then 16 inch piers. Then a 2 foot x 1 foot grade beam on the piers. 75 x 150 feet. Fun. Native guys running back and forth our mixer was 1/3 cubic yard and as fast as my cousin and I could mix, they were back. I still remember the come on come on come on! 40 years ago.
Gadgeteer (Feb 12, 2024)
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