Extreme ultraviolet lithography machine - photo
Now, I suppose you all know how ordinary television works....
Well, there is this rotating mechanical disc....
I'd hate to have to troubleshoot that assembly.
The original kinescopes were actually quite simple. Just that their "visual acuity " was severely lacking. Sensitivity, resolution, alignment; these were all troublesome due to its simplicity. But it was the first technology for visual transmission so accommodations needs must.
Someone need to tell him he needs to wear a mask, if your in a full 'bunnie' suit to protect the environment and 'product' from human (skin etc) detritus contamination, exhaled particulates are often an even bigger issue, especially as I can see no laminar down flow of air provision! In our class 10,000 cleanrooms (cleaner than most operating theatres) we don't wear them, in our class 100 and better, such as our lithography suite, there are no exceptions, and the class 100 becomes a class 10 or better area as long as no people are present with ultra HEPA filtration and full laminar down flow.
Nice looking motorcycle lift, you could put the lardyest HD on that without a worry!