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Thread: EL-Cheapo Cyclone Dust Collector (FREE PLANS!)

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Downeast Thunder's Avatar
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    Downeast Thunder's Tools

    EL-Cheapo Cyclone Dust Collector (FREE PLANS!)

    EL-Cheapo Cyclone Dust Collector (FREE PLANS!)-img_1033.jpgEL-Cheapo Cyclone Dust Collector (FREE PLANS!)-img_0797.jpg

    FREE Plans, Folks!!! Information Below.

    The Oneida “Dust Deputy” is well known and has proven to be a great cyclone unit that makes up part of a cyclone dust collection system. I love it and would have purchased one, except I stopped short when I discovered it sold for around 50 bucks! Fifty bucks? For a small piece of plastic? Sheesh! That’s just too rich for my wallet.

    SO…….I started searching for a “Dust Deputy Clone” because I figured someone out there has done exactly that. China came to the rescue! Some obscure Chinese company offered their version of the Dust Deputy for only 15 bucks! In addition to that, the $15.00 price included shipping! The only caveat is that the part was being shipped from China via “China Post” and it would take a long time to get to me.

    I figured it was worth risking $15.00 because if I never received it or it didn’t work, I wouldn’t be out very much money. I went ahead and submitted my order, paying through PayPal, and about 2 months later, my Dust Deputy Clone arrived in my mailbox.

    That was some time last year and I forgot about it until just recently. I don’t remember the company name or web address, but I’ve seen this same product offered through other Chinese companies on line. No doubt you can find it if you put forth a diligent web search.

    Here’s the video I put together showing you how I put this system together. How does it perform? Watch the video and you can decide for yourself. I’ll let you be the judge.

    Link to the EL-Cheapo Cyclone Dust Collector FREE PLANS download page here:

    Many thanks to all my subscribers for participating, commenting, liking, and sharing my videos. I very much appreciate your continued support of my YouTube channel. It’s a lot of fun for me, and I hope this trend continues.

    Here's the video:

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  2. #2
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    Thanks Downeast Thunder! We've added your Cyclone Dust Collector to our Dust Collectors category,
    as well as to your builder page: Downeast Thunder's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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  3. #3

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    dust deputy

    Sorry to rain on your parade but you are part of the problem we have in this country. Willing to spend money with a Chinese company that spent zero dollars on R&D and other expenditures that a American company did. I spent the money and bought the Dust Deputy to keep the American economy going.

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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to 11thhourfabrication For This Useful Post:

    high-side (May 7, 2019)

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