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Thread: Early personal and in-car navigation - photos

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Altair's Avatar
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    Early personal and in-car navigation - photos

    Ever wondered how people track their movements in the 1920s and 30s? Meet the ancestors of our modern-day Global Positioning System:

    The Italian-made Iter-Auto navigation device. The first navigation system on board a vehicle.

    The Trade Fair in Milan this year has seen the triumph of a manifestation of Italian genius and intelligence!
    Technicians, amateurs, sportsmen all have fairly recognized and claimed the practicality and usefulness of
    an elegant and practical motorway guide which each driver will feel the need to implement in a quick and easy step to the dashboard of his car!!!

    Motorists, the Iter-Auto is your Patron Saint on earth who will guide you by the hand in your travels, showing with impeccable accuracy, by means of a route-map turning on in perfect sync with the progress of your car, the way ahead as well as any practical data or information of continuous need, such as:

    Junctions – Bridges – Bumps – Level crossings – Dangerous turns – Fuel stations – Aid stations – Garages – Hotels etc.

    advising the driver on time (about 3 km. before the danger) to slow down.

    No more stopping to peer at the often illegible guideposts or check inconvenient maps which are often indecipherable to the layman.
    No more breakdown due to lack of fuel.

    The Plus Fours Routefinder Wrist Map.


    Aircraft detection before radar - video and photo

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Altair For This Useful Post:

    hegefer (Dec 10, 2018), Seedtick (Dec 10, 2018), will52100 (Dec 10, 2018)

  3. #2
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    mklotz's Tools
    Does anyone remember the "Triptiks" supplied by the AAA?

    I used them when I escaped from the east coast to LA back in 1963 and they worked very well.

    You contacted AAA and told them your route start and end points. They supplied a spiral bound booklet of Triptiks showing a vertical map slice with your route running down the slice. Along the side of this map slice were noted hotels, restaurants, and points of interest for this slice. When you reached the bottom of the slice you turned the page and continued on the next Triptik.

    2,000+ Tool Plans
    Regards, Marv

    Failure is just success in progress
    That looks about right - Mediocrates

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to mklotz For This Useful Post:

    hegefer (Dec 10, 2018), Miloslav (Dec 10, 2018), PJs (Dec 11, 2018)

  5. #3

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    You're absolutely right. I also used Tripticks to make a trip from Montgomery (AL) to Orlando (FL) in 1995. One might say it's not a big deal, but for me (originaly from Europe - Hungary) it was a great help. The slices even told about temporarily speed limits, necessary roundabouts because of road maintainace works and other useful information. Now I live in Hungary (again), but thanks to remember me those days I spent in your country.
    Best regards,

    2,000+ Tool Plans

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to hegefer For This Useful Post:

    PJs (Dec 11, 2018)

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