It happens all the time. I'm gluing/painting/oiling something at my in-house work station and I need to lay down the gluey/painty/oily tool to do something else and there's no place that will keep the drips from getting all over the work surface.
Now, if I have my painting block...
handy, I can use that but most of the time it's out in the garage. Even if it were handy, I would have to find some scrap cardboard to put under it to catch drips.
One thing that's always on the work table is a beer deckel on which to set libations. I shaped a small strip of wood into a shallow 'U' shape and glued that to the deckel.
Now there's always a place to put the drippy tool and it has a built-in drip catcher. Fortunately, drippy tool use and coffee/beer drinking seldom overlap so its dual use poses no problems.