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Thread: Do you want professional draftspeople to draft plans of your tools?

  1. #1
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Do you want professional draftspeople to draft plans of your tools?

    This post discusses having professional draftspeople draft plans for your homemade tools, which we could then sell in our plans market. Both you and the draftsperson would receive a portion of the sales, like an author and illustrator of a book.

    Our homemade tools plans market is doing surprisingly well. We now have three authors who have earned $100+ payments in a single month. It looks like authors can do well with multiple plans, and it also looks like certain plans are selling like hotcakes (nhengineer's Rotary Phase Converter plans sold 27 copies at $12.50, in just the first month).

    We've been promoting the plans via a combination of specialty newsletter mailings to our 35,000+ subscribers, forum promotions, and replacing site banner ads with in-house plans ads. We'd like to have more plans for sale, but many of our members have built incredible tools, but have never used formal technical drafting software.

    The solution: professional draftspeople can make formal drawings for your tool plans, like illustrators working with an author. You can add your existing tool descriptions and photographs to their professional plans drawings. We would then edit the plans for syntax/grammar/formatting, add a graphic cover, and we could sell the complete plans, with you listed as the author, and the draftsperson listed as the illustrator.

    We've been interviewing professional draftspeople; there are dozens of applicants with years of experience, and there is plenty of enthusiasm.

    Currently, plans authors receive 70% of the sales of their plans. If using a professional draftsperson, plans authors would probably receive 50% of the sales, and the draftsperson would probably receive 20% of the sales.

    The legal agreements would be similar to that among an author and illustrator of a book. Both the author and the draftsperson would retain ownership of their separate descriptions/photos/drawings; they would just agree to combine them in a single downloadable plans file.

    We would allow multiple draftspeople to register on the forum. They could PM you, and say: "I'd like to draft plans for your homemade tool." If you agreed, they would use software to make technical drawings of your tools, then you would approve them. We would combine these drawings with your text instructions and photos (you can often just copy-paste these from your original post, but you might want to add additional text instructions). Then, we would clean up formatting/syntax/grammar, package everything, add a graphic cover, get your final approval, and put it up for sale. You would not need to physically send anyone your actual homemade tool in the mail; the draftspeople can make drawings from photos and descriptions, many of which you've already posted.

    The great part is that if you're skilled at making homemade tools, but not at using technical drafting software, you can still sell beautiful, formal, professional plans. Your reputation (that you have slowly built with multiple posts, tools, awards, etc.), is valuable to people, and they would be buying "official" plans endorsed by you, with technical drawings created by a professional draftsperson, and approved by you.

    What do you think? Any questions? Suggestions for improvement? Criticism? If a professional draftsperson did all of the plans drawing work, would you be interested in selling your plans?

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook
    New plans added on 01/08/2025: Click here for 2,690 plans for homemade tools.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Jon For This Useful Post:

    Jamesmeyre (Dec 25, 2016), Neil Jensen (Dec 28, 2016), Paul Jones (Dec 9, 2016), PJs (Dec 8, 2016)

  3. #2
    Supporting Member morsa's Avatar
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    morsa's Tools
    That’s a great idea. Most of us share our work with no economic interest, but I do not see any problem if we get some benefit, and above all that copyright would be respected.

    It would be desirable if we had the possibility to suggest plans for a project that we are interested in building.

    2,500+ Tool Plans

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  5. #3

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    Edge20's Tools
    Great idea. I enjoy making stuff that makes stuff

  6. #4

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    Plans Drafted for my tools is a great idea. I truly hope that this catches on.

    [QUOTE=Jon;80893]This post discusses having professional draftspeople draft plans for your homemade tools, which we could then sell in our plans market. Both you and the draftsperson would receive a portion of the sales, like an author and illustrator of a book.

    Our homemade tools plans market is doing surprisingly well. We now have three authors who have earned $100+ payments in a single month. It looks like authors can do well with multiple plans, and it also looks like certain plans are selling like hotcakes (nhengineer's Rotary Phase Converter plans sold 27 copies at $12.50, in just the first month).

    We've been promoting the plans via a combination of specialty newsletter mailings to our 35,000+ subscribers, forum promotions, and replacing site banner ads with in-house plans ads. We'd like to have more plans for sale, but many of our members have built incredible tools, but have never used formal technical drafting software.

    The solution: professional draftspeople can make formal drawings for your tool plans, like illustrators working with an author. You can add your existing tool descriptions and photographs to their professional plans drawings. We would then edit the plans for syntax/grammar/formatting, add a graphic cover, and we could sell the complete plans, with you listed as the author, and the draftsperson listed as the illustrator.

    We've been interviewing professional draftspeople; there are dozens of applicants with years of experience, and there is plenty of enthusiasm.

    Currently, plans authors receive 70% of the sales of their plans. If using a professional draftsperson, plans authors would probably receive 50% of the sales, and the draftsperson would probably receive 20% of the sales.

    The legal agreements would be similar to that among an author and illustrator of a book. Both the author and the draftsperson would retain ownership of their separate descriptions/photos/drawings; they would just agree to combine them in a single downloadable plans file.

    We would allow multiple draftspeople to register on the forum. They could PM you, and say: "I'd like to draft plans for your homemade tool." If you agreed, they would use software to make technical drawings of your tools, then you would approve them. We would combine these drawings with your text instructions and photos (you can often just copy-paste these from your original post, but you might want to add additional text instructions). Then, we would clean up formatting/syntax/grammar, package everything, add a graphic cover, get your final approval, and put it up for sale. You would not need to physically send anyone your actual homemade tool in the mail; the draftspeople can make drawings from photos and descriptions, many of which you've already posted.

    The great part is that if you're skilled at making homemade tools, but not at using technical drafting software, you can still sell beautiful, formal, professional plans. Your reputation (that you have slowly built with multiple posts, tools, awards, etc.), is valuable to people, and they would be buying "official" plans endorsed by you, with technical drawings created by a professional draftsperson, and approved by you.

    What do you think? Any questions? Suggestions for improvement? Criticism? If a professional draftsperson did all of the plans drawing work, would you be inte

  7. #5

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    Yes, I believe that you have a great idea. I hope that it really catches on and is sustainable. Sign me up.

  8. #6
    Reg is offline
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    Great idea. Looks like everyone could be a winner.

  9. #7
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    I use Draft Sight, a 2D CAD software that's compatible with AutoCAD. So I too am interested.

  10. #8

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    I have enjoyed the site for quite a while now, without generating any tools or even comments. I use Onshape, Solidworks, and AutoCad daily. I'm not a professional draftsman, per se, just a toolmaker who uses the software. I'd be willing to help out with 3D modelling, and i can easily generate 2D drawings from the models.

  11. #9

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    oops - can't spell

    I think this is a GREAT idea. Some of us older professionals have been sharing information for years, and hadn't considered profiting from this kind of thing. I have my hands in several technical markets and networks and know of some very capable folks who are not members here, who would be willing to work on generating different aspects of getting "our" work out there.

    One issue I have discovered is the use of already existing pieces of information, tools, and designs that have not been published (print or electronically), but clearly have developers names attached to them. Stuff is already out there electronically or in print but sometimes the creators don't receive any compensation (by choice). Perhaps there is a way to vet information so as not to appear as if anyone here is profiting from another's works or designs. I have been taught that it is best to stay away from any perceived "adoption" of information that is either protected, or copyrighted, but not clearly defined. It's sort of an interesting yet disturbing fact that if someone can make a buck (using someone else's ideas) they will. I'm not sure how to address this since all of us are of a giving nature, but I would be willing to give it some thought with others. In fact, I sense that a lot of us find as much or more enjoyment building and designing tools as using them. And I hadn't considered profiting from it yet, just using skills to get work done! This is STILL a wonderful idea! Just would like to open the discussion.
    Last edited by toyvolvo; Dec 24, 2016 at 07:25 PM. Reason: spelling riciulousness

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to toyvolvo For This Useful Post:

    PJs (Dec 28, 2016), Toolmaker51 (Dec 26, 2016)

  13. #10

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    DanLins's Tools

    Professional plan drafting

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    What do you think? Any questions? Suggestions for improvement? Criticism? If a professional draftsperson did all of the plans drawing work, would you be interested in selling your plans?
    I was trained as a technical draftsman years ago and that is what I did for much of my career before I retired 4 years ago. I am interested in assisting you in preparation of plans for your members, if you might be interested in that. I work in Autocad, but also own a licensed copy of ViaCad 3D Pro, version 9, which I'm still learning.

    Do you have a set of standards, borders or title block templates you prefer to be used? I'm working on a set of drawings for my recently submitted Toe Jack, and will submit them to you for your review if you'd like.


    Dan Linscheid

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to DanLins For This Useful Post:

    Neil Jensen (Dec 28, 2016), Paul Jones (Dec 25, 2016), PJs (Dec 28, 2016), Toolmaker51 (Dec 26, 2016)

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