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Thread: diging a 10 X 10x10 foot hole for septic tank

  1. #1

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    diging a 10 X 10x10 foot hole for septic tank

    hello, I would like to know if anyone would kindly lend a hand and help me figure out how I could a hole 10 feet deep by 10 feet long by 10 feet wide , without a backhoe or any other heavy machine ? can you please help I have a bad back so I need to come up with a plan fast because we don't have sewer system in new property.

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  2. #2
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Frank S's Tools
    There are 2 ways to dig holes Mechanically or manually
    Well there is a 3rd but this can be done only in certain areas and by licensed professionals with the correct permits.
    My recommendation would be to hire it done by the company who is going to deliver your septic tank and install your septic system.
    Installing a septic system take knowledge and abilities of more than simply digging a hole in the ground. You will also have to do a Percolation test to determine the size and shape of your leach-field For instance In the USA many states and counties are going to require this test before a septic system install is done and most require a permit for the system as well, which will also have to have an inspection done afterwards.
    Some developing countries do not have any restrictions but those nations are becoming fewer every year as they develop.
    SO, even if you live in an area where or in a state here in the USA where the county you live in does not require permits you still should do some research into the proper way to install a septic system then map out where best to place it and the leach field good luck.
    PS you can dig a hole with large amounts of high pressure water I'm talking 3000 PSI and 1000's and 1000's of gallons, but to remove 10,000 cubic feet of dirt and possibly rock the bad back thing is still going to be a factor plus having some way to dispose of the spoils

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