NortonDommi (Dec 27, 2020), toeless joe (Dec 27, 2020)
marksbug (Jan 3, 2021)
oh thats mosses, he's been going down holes his hole life we just call him holy mosses. I have dug well by hand, not that hard, just time consuming. I probably should of made a end like that, my brother said he or his neighbor had one, but nobody could seem to have time to find it. and Im not one for waiting around for somebody else to decide to get off thier ass. so i dug a 4" dia hole 6' deep then started the small hole. I got about 50'deep into some good h2o.but when I went to put the final well head down ther eapparently the water cam e up some and the walls colasped and it only went down about 25' but it's still in water I was tired so it is what it is...I should of put liner in it as I was going down....I didnt.oh well it is what it is.someday..I wont redoo it.
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