Most of the commercial items we buy have been designed by highly paid experts and still they often get it wrong. I am sure that to the innovative people that subscribe here, that these thing are glaringly obvious. Lets make a list here of your pet hates and why you hate them, in the hope that the experts may read some of these answers and change their product. Here is a chance to vent your spleen. If you are an expert, please tell me or others that may post here where we are wrong.
I will start off with some of my pet hates:-
1. Bottle Openers built into a survival knife or even worse a bayonet. If you are in a survival or combat situation and just happen to have a handy truckload of soda or beer bottles available, and you are unable to open a bottle cap with your plain old knife blade, then perhaps you don't deserve to survive. Most bottle openers in the blade just weaken the blade.
2. Domestic Refrigerators with thin walls. Pretty much all domestic refrigerators these days have sides about 1 inch thick. Originally in the 1950/60s' they were around 2 inches thick but over the years that followed they tell us insulation got better and they were able to reduce the thickness and create more interior space. What they never tell us is that now there are heaters built into the sides of your fridge to stop condensation forming on the outer walls. In humid areas these walls can get quite hot doing their job. They do their job well but the reason they are needed is because the thin wall insulation is so poor that the outside of the fridge is getting cold enough to to get this condensation. The heaters heat up your already humid kitchen and also heat up the inside of the fridge so that your fridge unit must run longer to remove that internal heat. Poor design and a waste of your electricity. Get better fridge insulation and fix this stupid idea.
3. Domestic Refrigerators (Again) - Refrigerant gasses in your fridge. There have been many changes in refrigerant gasses over the years and mostly for environmental reasons, ozone layer holes etc. Originally sealed units were large and used Freon or similar gasses. Now the units are about half the size and use environmentally safer gasses which are usually not quite as efficient as the original Freon. Of course if the gas is not quite as good and the compressor size has halved, it will now have to run approximately twice as long for the same cooling effect. Another waste of my electricity. I have a half size fridge in a holiday cabin that runs off ozone friendly ammonia and a 60 watt heating element. It's about 50 years old, has no moving parts, has thick walls and gets no condensation on the sides and has never needed to have a gas top up or a new heating element or thermostat. Perhaps a modern design of this fridge could save the world. Don't tell me that ammonia is dangerous, all refrigerant gasses are dangerous and you can smell even tiny amounts of ammonia long before it reaches toxic levels. We should be able to do much better with the insulation of all fridges, something better than squirting in some cheap foam.
4. Computers and Software. Both go through extensive testing and beta trials etc etc but they still haven't got it right. There is no excuse for a computer crashing unless it is a developing electronic fault. There is no excuse for continual security updates, bug fixes etc etc and service packs 1,2,3, etc. If you haven't sorted out the bugs before you sell me this product then you are selling me a product under false pretenses. You are selling me something that doesn't work. Sell me a car or other machine that is unsafe or doesn't work properly and there will be a general recall to make it good. Selling me a product that in 3 or 4 years the manufacturer decides that it has a better product and refuses to support the old product is not on either. Selling a replacement product or even giving me a free copy of that new software that changes my whole computer so radically each time I "upgrade" is completely unforgivable. There is one software manufacturer out there that will never get any of my money again.