Hi All
There has been a few of these builds on HMT (who I thank in advance for posting). Therefore, I thought I would give it ago. I was machining in the workshop yesterday and thought right need to build one of these tomorrow. Half an hour later, it was finished.
I do like the magnet swarf wand, as it is small and easy to hand. However, it is OK for the medium to large swarf pick up, and will pick up smaller swarf but I normally end up using the vacuum cleaner to finish the job of all the little bits the wand won’t pick up (or I miss more to the point).
This cyclone separator works! Really pleased with the results so far.
The tubes are donated from an old well know red cleaner with a face on the collector bin and the main bin of the cyclone separator is an eBay item, bin with a screw on lid. (Bargain at £4.00, but a collection only item)
The steel tubes were simply, hacksawed to length filed and linished to remove the burrs. A cone-cutter drill bit was, used to cut the hole in the top and used to remove most of the material for the side hole. This hole was then jig sawed and filed to give a reasonable fit on the tube at the required angle.
Then just hot glued the tubes in place left set and then tested.
An additional baffle was, also glued in place to protect the plastic from the swarf particles on entry into the bin. As I do not know how long the bin would last with the constant follow of swarf hitting it at the same point.
For the small effort and cost in making this item, this should be a great addition to the cleaning of the workshop and will save money in the long term on filter cleaning, vacuum bags and more important the motor.
Thank you again to all who have posted these cyclone separators in the past it has been a real help to me, in the making of this item.
Finished cyclone separator
Baffle on inside of bin inlet
Lid assembly
The Home Engineer