Cutting up a whole chicken.
Removing turkey leg tendons - GIF
Chicken dicer - GIF
Chicken plucking tool - GIF
Cutting up a whole chicken - GIF
Poultry killing tool - photo
Cutting up a whole chicken.
Removing turkey leg tendons - GIF
Chicken dicer - GIF
Chicken plucking tool - GIF
Cutting up a whole chicken - GIF
Poultry killing tool - photo
New plans added on 01/03/2025: Click here for 2,682 plans for homemade tools.
KustomsbyKent (Jan 3, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Jan 1, 2023), Scotty1 (Dec 30, 2022), that_other_guy (Jan 6, 2023)
baja (Jan 1, 2023), Frank S (Dec 30, 2022), mdhatter3 (Dec 30, 2022), mwmkravchenko (Jan 1, 2023)
In the town where I went to school there was a combination icehouse slaughterhouse frozen food locker and butcher shop, owned by a German Italian family. It was the go-to place if you wanted or needed to have your animals processed and stored or to buy meat. We had always killed and processed our own but one year my grandpa decided it was becoming more than he my dad and my uncle could handle any more so everything, but the chickens went to the butcher guy, after that we had cuts of meat we had never heard of and he made the best sausages out of beef pork or venison you ever tasted
Never try to tell me it can't be done
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mwmkravchenko (Jan 1, 2023)
Raised and butchered my own pigs and chickens.
I agree commercial slaughterhouses are brutal. Meat butchered properly is sterile. That is if no intestines are broken. That is true for any non-diseased animal. Why we have such problems with commercially processed meat is because they are exceedingly careless. Everything for the sake of greater profits.
About our professional chicken cutter. That person has done a few of these. It takes me a while to do this. And I cook regularly.
that_other_guy (Jan 6, 2023)
My wife keeps chickens for the eggs when an old hen is beyond laying off comes the head feathers and guts then it gets boiled for a few hours and fed to the dogs. I don't care much for any meat that once grew feathers, might occasionally have a hankering for some fried chicken maybe as frequently as once a year but old birds do not fry well and we won't harvest a younger egg layer just to have fried chicken. When we hatch out a batch there is always about 40% of them that turn out to be roosters once they are frying size we normally sell them rather than pollute my freezer with chicken meat.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
Fluffle-Valve (Jan 1, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Jan 2, 2023)
I consider chicken as the survival food when there is nothing else to eat My wife says I make a great German style skillet fried chicken and my sisters both say my Worcestershire chicken Schnitzel or chicken potato curry is to die for and I don't do too bad with my Jamaican chicken fricassee but given a choice I'd just as soon have a burger.
In all fairness to the chook a lot of my lack of preference to eating it probably goes back nearly 60 years so it is largely psychosomatic My Grandmother would buy 300 baby chicks every spring to raise slaughter and sell killing and cleaning 300 wasn't too bad but one year she mistakenly added an extra zero to her order the poor letter carrier had to deliver boxes on top of boxes to us over the course of a week. That was bad enough but Grandpa, my dad and my uncle, and us boys spent a week constructing a huge brood house for them 4 to 6 lbs of growth later it was harvesting time after Killing plucking cleaning and cutting up 3000 birds, chicken has never tasted right since plus Grandma passed away that spring as well so that probably has something to do with it. And our chicken eating Preacher could no longer mooch his favorite Sundy fried chicken dinner.
Last edited by Frank S; Jan 2, 2023 at 09:01 PM.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
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