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Thread: Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart

  1. #1
    Supporting Member McDesign's Avatar
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    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart

    The price for a Harbor Freight tank cart was just too good.
    But, it was big and awkward for the cylinders I have, my acetylene cylinder shoulder was too low to hit the side bar, had to tilt the cart onto the big wheels to roll it, yadda-yadda.
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-original-loaded.jpg

    So - I wanted to tailor it top exactly my needs. First, it had to be smaller. Measuring, it needed to be 3.625" narrower side-to-side, and 2.5" shallower front-to-back. the axle needed to be 4.75" narrower to really tuck the wheels in. I needed to add a short bar to catch the shoulder of the acetylene tank, and some small casters.
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-old-width.jpg
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-old-depth.jpg

    I used a pipe cutter to cut the tubing for nice square edges, and a jigsaw for the sheetmetal -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-cut-apart-1.jpg
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-cut-apart-2.jpg

    MiG welded back together -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-welded.jpg

    Welds all ground and filed purty -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-finished.jpg

    I also need to shorten the swinging tray to match, so I just drilled the spot welds, cut out the 3.625" with tinsnips, and welded back into the same endcap holes. I have a couple spot welders now, but have never used them!
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-tray-cut-apart.jpg

    I narrowed and rewelded the axle -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-axle-narrowed.jpg

    All finished; same day, matching Rustoleum Apple Red -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-new.jpg

    New width - you can see the new short horizontal lower bar on the left side - made from a couple of the tube offcuts. I could have coped the ends, but i just mushed them to match the existing construction!
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-new-width.jpg

    New depth -
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-new-depth.jpg

    Well, that's it. When the paint's dry tomorrow, I'll take off the masking tape and show the little Home Depot casters underneath, and load up the cylinders.

    Forrest in Atlanta

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  2. #2
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    Thanks McDesign! We've added your Oxy-Acetylene Cart Modification to our Storage and Organization category,
    as well as to your builder page: McDesign's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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  3. #3
    Supporting Member McDesign's Avatar
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    CAsters and loaded up - much nicer in my crowded shop!
    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-img_0315.jpg

    Cutting down an HF Oxy-fuel cart-img_0327.jpg


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