Creating a vortex with saltwater and batteries .
Ocean whirlpool - GIF
Drinking turbopipe - photo
Whirlpool straw - GIF
Creating a vortex with saltwater and batteries .
Ocean whirlpool - GIF
Drinking turbopipe - photo
Whirlpool straw - GIF
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mwmkravchenko (Nov 15, 2023), Ralphxyz (Nov 15, 2023), rlm98253 (Nov 9, 2023)
cognitdiss (Jan 5, 2024), Frank S (Nov 9, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Nov 15, 2023), nova_robotics (Nov 9, 2023), rgsparber (Nov 9, 2023)
mwmkravchenko (Nov 15, 2023)
Creative Video editing I think. I cannot come up with an idea that is based in real physics that could make this happen. There is no transmission path for the batteries.
And glass insulates the salt water from the batteries. The sad thing is people watch this and accept it as real. They don't question and research.
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