Cotton roll fire starter.
Stormproof survival matches - GIF
Gluing matchbox strike strips - GIF
How matchsticks are made - GIF
How to make a Dakota fire hole - photo
Cotton roll fire starter.
Stormproof survival matches - GIF
Gluing matchbox strike strips - GIF
How matchsticks are made - GIF
How to make a Dakota fire hole - photo
New plans added on 01/17/2025: Click here for 2,706 plans for homemade tools.
Drew1966 (Apr 1, 2023), johncg (Mar 29, 2023), mccwho (Apr 3, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Mar 28, 2023), nova_robotics (Mar 28, 2023), odd one (Apr 1, 2023), rdarrylb (Mar 29, 2023), Resident114 (Mar 28, 2023), techcollect (Mar 28, 2023), tooly (Apr 1, 2023), tuchie (Mar 28, 2023)
For anyone interested in fire building/bushcraft/camping skills, etc. a YuTube guy named David West (David West channel) showing this and multiple other alternative methods for fire building outdoors in various conditions and with a surprisingly wide variety of materials.
Most of videos are 2 to 8 minutes in length.
Altair (Mar 28, 2023), mwmkravchenko (Mar 28, 2023), nova_robotics (Mar 28, 2023), Sleykin (Mar 29, 2023)
Hoosiersmoker (Mar 30, 2023), nova_robotics (Mar 29, 2023)
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